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  • 27 Jan 2022

  • 27 Jan 2022

How have commercial graphics changed over the decades?

Graphic Design in Ancient Times

As we have studied in the previous blog, that Graphic Design is nothing but the craft of planning and creating visual content to communicate ideas and messages. It is seen everywhere we look from billboards to cereal boxes to mobile apps, when we associate different elements and principles, which can influence the attention of the target customers.

It is also known as communication, as Graphic Designers are essentially considered visual communicators. It is the only way that brings visual concepts to life, most commonly through software, and informs or engage consumers through text, and images. The Graphics marks its presence since the existence of human, like during the ages, from 500 AD to 1450 AD.

The first signs of visual communication

cave paintings, visual, communication

The historians had marked the source of graphic design to early cave paintings, which shows its presence since 38,000 BCE. These highlighted the communication that the ancient age people used to do from one generation to another.

It shows the presence of life which was associated with graphic designs. The caves were designed with the paintings of animals, weapons, hunting and many more. It brought the origin of visual communication through the designs, and after that it extended to a wide range.

Graphics help in effective communication with the viewers as visual aids are better at communicating ideas. A creatively designed, informative graphic or picture when compared to only words, can communicate ideas and information more effectively.
Professionally designed graphics and images can help in creating a positive impression and effective communication of the message.

The beginning of a visual language

Beginning, visual, language, Summerians

The visual communication is a clear concept that makes thing easy to understand. It helps to convey the brand message in an artistic manner without verbal communication.

The designers when designing any picture, then they deliver a message through their picture, which does not anymore need to describe it. They are easy to understand for everyone.

The Sumerians invented writing during c. 3300 to 3000 BC, and represented the alphabet, which shows that graphic design is the visual language. It helps to communicate the intention and feel of the designer who made the picture.

They also brought the first writing system i.e. the cuneiform script, between 3500 and 3000 BC. This was the wedge-shaped design, made on the soft clay by making cuts.

Swiss Design (The International Typography Style)

Swiss, design, international, typography, style

It emerged in Russia, the Netherlands and Germany in the era of 1920s, and also originated in Switzerland during the 1950s.

The team of graphic designers developed a modernist movement, which became popular and was known as the Swiss Design or the International Typographic Style.

It was aligned with the logical grid systems, that provided a structured framework to align different elements that are essential for the graphic designs. The design was minimal to be seen, and this trend was followed by Apple and Google.


Bauhaus, graphic, design, history

Bauhaus was regarded as the influential art and design movement, that marks its presence from 1919 in Weimar, Germany. It was established by Walter Gropius, who launched a new way of thinking, and brought innovation.

As we reposition the existing brand by bringing a little twist in the scenario, which could include changing the taglines, brand name logos, slogan, colors, font, style, product name, or strategy.

Like that after a period of six months, after the end of World War I, it was time to redesign the society which lost its identity, beauty, and structure. So the school encouraged the group of artists and designers to use their talents and ideas, and redesign the structure of the society. Here the Bauhaus grammar, - a Triangle, square, and a circle moved it back to the basics mentality.

They connected the ideas of arts and crafts, to the classical and Avant-grade styles, and also the form and functions together. It worked on the concept of minimalism, geometric shapes, and simple typography.

Art Deco

Art Deco, graphic, design

Art Deco is also known as Style Moderne, movement in the decorative arts and architecture which came into existence from 1920s.

It evolved into a major style in western Europe and the United States during 1930s.

It highlighted the modernism that turned into fashion.

It offered the products that were individually crafted luxury items associated with the mass-produced wares.

The name was derived from the Exposition International des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, which was held in Paris in 1925, where the style was first exhibited to the world.

The design was elegant, graceful, and sophisticated, by using simple shapes, stylized and geometric ornamentation.

There was elaborate use of expensive materials, which included both - natural as well as synthetic.

Graphics help in effective communication with the viewers as visual aids are better at communicating ideas.

The Invention of the Printing Press

Gutenberg, printing press,

Johannes Gutenberg used his ideas and brought innovation by introducing movable type to Europe, in the year 1439.

The wood was replaced with metals and printing blocks, also the printed blocks were replaced with each letter and the design structure of Gutenberg was formed.

It made the literature and literacy available to everyone, that made it accessible conveniently with affordability,

As the Gutenberg printing press opened the way for more commercial applications of design, advertising, and graphic design subsequently developed.

The printing press marks its importance in the graphic designing industry because there would be no graphics without the printing press.

The Handmade Designs

Handmade, design,

A logo has the ability for storing, managing, and recalling information for a long time; and having very complex with different functions that could be remembered even after five to fifty years and more, and then marks itself in the list of long time memorable logo that will enable its glimpse in the minds of people for a very long time making it shortlisted in the list of memorable logos. Same like that, the ancient logos too are memorable logos, which were made with hands, and are still memorable.

A good logo is simple that consists of a wow factor stretching the progress of any company towards great heights.

Without this factor, the logo cannot be relevant to the color combinations; because the perfect color combination is very powerful because it can influence the mood and emotions

When the audience can easily recall your logo and brand, they get more brightly connected by themselves with it.

Ancient designed graphics and images these help in creating a positive impression and effective communication of the message.

It also helps in building trust and credibility in the minds of the people.

The Symbols

In ancient times, people used to consider symbols with different meanings, and appoint special meaning to different symbols, religion, culture, or based on experience as well. The role of symbols matters a lot for graphic designers, as they design the logos with the help of symbols. These depict the visual language of human history, which shows originality.

The ancient humans used to connect their lives with nature, and the ancient signs and symbols are mostly related to nature itself. There also used to be animals that used to symbolize different meanings, such as royalty, peace, loyalty, and many more. Along with this, the flowers are used to symbolize the beauty, blossom, peace, love, and happiness of nature. The symbols of Geometry show clarity when used by the designers, and also express the sharpness, stability, and proper balance. This indicates the symbols have had power since ancient times.

The Evolution of Graphic Design

Graphic Design has evolved a lot since ancient times, like from hand-made logo designs, till digital logo design. With the change in technology, and the innovations brought in the market, there was invention of computer, Photoshop, Web Design and Product Design which are a part of Graphic Designs. All the designing fields and types are spread at multiple platforms, but still those have their roots associated with the graphic design industry.

Graphic designs mark its presence with designing a website, which provides online visibility and discoverability of the content as well as escalates brand recognition. If there are many backlinks from authoritative sites to our site, then this will provide credibility for our business. The main purpose of a website is to convert visitors into clients ultimately leading the way to profit.

The business world is competitive, and advertisements used play a vital role in adding essence to brand identity, product, or service. Graphic design is a crucial part in making the ads. It delivers the strategic message and uplifts awareness within the platform. Several digital media delivers an advertisement to the market in different forms. Today, advertisers have a plethora of options for promoting their products and services. These range from traditional Television, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, social media marketing, and many more.

As a person lose their identity without a name; like that any industry would lose its identity without a logo. The Logo can be considered as the soul of any brand, industry, company, or any small or big organization.

Graphic designing plays a major role in creating appealing logo designs for the business and brand. It plays an important role in empowering individuals to exercise their rights and responsibilities fairly and equitably in a modern society. It also helps us to make decisions and to know how to behave. So a logo plays a vital role in empowering the industrys growth in the field of success; ultimately helping the company to reach the heights of its goal.

Modern Era

Digital Logos


Nike, modern, logos

Nike uses a very simple graphic swoosh to represent their brand simply and sharply. In Greek mythology,

Nike is the Winged Goddess of Victory. Hence, the logo is derived from goddess wing, swoosh, which symbolizes the speed, movement, power, and motivation of the industry to help its customers in taking long leaps to go high.

It acts as its face or identity. It also holds the power to replace the name of the company with modification and provide it a beautiful design. Its uniqueness plays a major role in becoming memorable to its customers.

A design similar to an already used one will only make it look like a copy and easy to forget, as because most people do not like repeated things. Nike consistently triggers the visual memory cells of the brain and makes it remember.


Apple, modern, logo

After returning to Apple, in 1997, Steve Jobs wanted to build the identity of Apple get recognized universally. Though there was a unique Rainbow associated with the Iconic Logo, it needed to be brought change with the modern style.

Here came the need for a new concept that decided to bring the new form of bitten Apple in a Monochrome format.

The company today uses a more modernized and conceptual flat Minimal form. It mainly highlights Three colors; Silver, White and Black. It has marked its presence amongst the famous logos in the world.

The logo of bitten Apple shows a clear image of the brand and attracts the attention of the customers. It helps to associate the maximum number of audiences with the brand and engages the people with a vision of the industry. Its attributes make it versatile which brings professionality to the services.

It tends to bring passion and energy to the business giving the devotion to work. This highlights the determination of the industry to satisfy its customers and ultimately raise the standard of the working culture.


Microsoft, modern, logo

All of us know that Microsoft established itself as one of the most creative software brands. Its operating system, Windows, and the line-up of Office software products highlight the exceptionality of its services. The image created by the company made it a brand that will last in the minds of the people for a long time.

Microsoft Office 365 consists of a combination of colored Squares. This refers to the Iconic logo symbol of Windows. Its multi-colored part indicates that Microsoft 365 includes a variety of creative concepts interlinked with each other to form an appealing design.

The icon symbolizes the Windows system. The design is simply featured with four window panes of different colors, Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow. This window version of the logo got personified from the flying windows to a static one. It also emphasizes the innovation of the company in technology, which it offers people daily.

The graphic helps to create a professional brand image. This professional image helps in building trust and credibility in the minds of the consumers. Building trust helps in convincing the buyers about the quality of the products or services offered.

Companies that have been able to build strong goodwill over the years are the ones that are able to thrive in the longer run. Good graphic design is useful in creating effective communication which can help enhance trust and credibility.

Graphics help in effective communication with the viewers as visual aids are better at communicating ideas. A creatively designed, informative graphic or picture when compared to only words, can communicate ideas and information more effectively. Professionally designed graphics and images can help in creating a positive impression and effective communication of the message.

[The images are being taken from the registered companies and belong to their respective owners only.]